Charlene Harris - Africa
Charlene has made her home in Africa since January 1984 and has ministered in nearly half of the countries of the continent. She travels out from her home in Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the road to Tanzania and Kenya on a regular basis and flies into other African countries by direct invitation.
She is an itinerant preacher and Bible teacher in churches, Bible schools, conferences and seminars throughout Africa. She has 10 radio programs airing on several radio stations every week in D.R.C. (Congo) She ministers across denominational and ethnic lines.
Other ministries include the provision of water filters, solar lamps, housing and essentials for widows and children. There is a variety of business and vocational training for widows and the older children.
Tom and Beverly Brumbley - Haiti
Evangelistic World Outreach
The Brumbleys have served in Haiti since 1972. They have opened schools, Bible schools, and churches. They administer a child sponsorship program, adult education classes, a clinic, feeding programs and a goat distribution program. They provide school supplies for an orphanage. They have provided wells and solar systems.
Joel Hitchcock Ministries
Joel & Heidi Hitchcock
International Evangelist
Joel Hitchcock is an international evangelist. Joel preached his first message at age 12 He has now been in full-time ministry for 30 years. His passion is to "...know God and make Him known." Joel ministers in evangelism, healing and the Holy Spirit, and labors for revival in America. He has authored several books and held hundreds of revival meetings.
Multitudes have attended his international Gospel campaigns. Joel and Heidi have been married for over 25 years. They have 4 children, and reside in the State of Delaware.
John Liammayty - Laos
John is a member of Delmarva Evangelistic Church.
Luang Phrabang, Laos is his homeland. John goes to LAOS for 4-6 weeks, twice a year. He has been ministering there for over 30 years.
Jeff & April Davis - Captivated Praise
Jeff and April have been an evangelistic music ministry team since 2016 and are based out of Indiana. They travel nationally and worldwide presenting tent crusades, revivals and concerts.
Friends of Faith - Mexico
Dezil & Rebeca Hood
Denzil & Rebeca (Becky) Hood, serve in Puebla, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Morelos, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas, Acapulco.
They have also ministered in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, USA, and Canada.
Mission Statement:
To reach people in Mexico, and unreached nations of the world, with the life-giving message of the good news of Jesus Christ. Feeding the hungry physically and spiritually, so they might become fully devoted followers of Christ. Planting churches, communicating the Word of God through radio, television, internet. Opening feeding programs, and schools of disciples.
Working with children, youth, women, men, and the elderly with the purpose of uniting families.
Andy & Stacey Whitman
Royal Rangers International
Whitman's in World Missions
Andy & Stacey have served in global missions for 27 years. They have lived in Eastern Europe and East Africa. Andy serves as the RRI Mobilization Coordinator and Africa Specialist for RRI.
Avi & Chaya Mizrachi
Dugit - Fishers of Men
Tel Aviv, Israel
Founded by Avi and Chaya Mizrachi, DUGIT Messianic Outreach Center (meaning small fishing boat) has been reaching out to Israel and the city of Tel Aviv for over 30 years. They are founded and operated by Israelis, passionately sharing the Good News with the Israeli people. Their desire is to see the nation of Israel embrace Yeshua as Messiah and come into her destiny.
Scott and Lan Herrick - Vietnam
Asia Transformation Mission Alliance
The vision of the Asia Transformation Mission Alliance is to love the beautiful people of Asia into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gideons were established in 1899 and began distribution in 1908. They distribute Bibles and New Testaments.